Antonio Terceiro
Debian Developer, Debian CI maintainer, Ruby maintainer.
Accepted Talks:
From the package description: autopkgtest runs tests on binary packages. The tests are run on the package as installed on a testbed system (which may be found via a virtualisation or containment system). The tests are expected to be supplied in the corresponding Debian source package. See adt-run(1) and /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest. Depending on which virtualization server you want to use, you need to install additional packages (schroot, lxc, lxd, or qemu-system)
autopkgtest is what Debian CI ( runs, so adding autopkgtest tests to your package will automatically make those tests run on Debian CI as soon as the package hits the archive.
The idea for this session it to get together and write/review autopkgtest test suites as well as discuss any related aspects. If you have ideas on how to test your package but don't know exactly how to wire things up for running with autopkgtest, let's look at that together.
Beyond being used at the Debian CI ( and the Ubuntu autopkgtest website (, debci can be customized to a multitude of use cases, such as: running only a small subset of packages,
This session is intended at helping interested people to bootstrap a development environment and start contributing with debci to increase the bus factor.
The annual DebConf gathering of the Ruby team, to discuss open issues and plans for the future.
I recently adopted pristine-tar, because it has been orphaned for a while and it is a critical piece of infrastructure for several teams and individuals.
I am not completely familiar with its internals yet, and would love to get more people onboard, among other reasons, to not have me being a single point of failure.